Wait, where’s the photo? Isn’t this your photography blog, Austin?

Yes it is, but this post is not about sharing a specific photo or a set from a shoot. This post is about a new endeavor I’m taking up to help out my photography, and I am very excited to dive head first into this.

I am starting to build out a Facebook page for my work. I already created the page, but I am taking my time building out content and information on the page before posting it and asking friends and family to share it.

Truth be told, I am very happy and impressed with where my photography has gone over the past few years, and I believe this is the next step to help spread my name out there for new and old clients as well as a way to build a more unique and diverse portfolio and web presence.

I also know that anyone with a somewhat decent understanding of how a camera works can create a Facebook page for their mediocre photography and begin working with others. Hell, I am sure others may even think this about my work and efforts, but I am taking my time sifting through my work as well as figuring out what I exactly want to do with this so the page doesn’t fall onto deaf ears (er, blind eyes?) and winds up falling through the cracks.

I am anticipating pushing it in about a month or so, most likely in coordination with a blog post from a shoot and photos to promote.

If you’re still reading this, you have a genuine interest in who I am and what I offer, and I thank you for it! I’ll close with a question for you. What would you like to see from a photographer’s Facebook page when he or she posts something? What kinds of posts, photos, information, etc would catch your eye in that sea of memes, political humor, jokes, and clickbait? What kind of information would catch your eye, based on your own experiences, wants, and needs?