I decided to take a stroll around the neighborhood yesterday afternoon. The days have been getting noticeably shorter, the temperature is dropping at night, and jeans and hoodies have come back into regular rotation here in New Jersey. Here are a few highlights from this walk around town.

Early Autumn Walk Here’s a seasonably appropriate spiderweb as Halloween is just around the corner!

Early Autumn Walk Early Autumn Walk At first I didn’t know where this cricket was going. I thought he was just running away from me. Then I noticed he ran to communicate with/talk to/fight another cricket. They thought they were hidden from view. They were wrong.

Early Autumn Walk Early Autumn WalkThe leaves are starting to change! Pretty soon they will be all over the streets and grass, but I’m still waiting for that right moment when all the trees are beautiful oranges, reds, and yellows. Although, yesterday was not that day (notice the abundance of greenery surrounding these leaves – we still have some time until the full fall foliage arrives).

Early Autumn Walk Early Autumn Walk Stock up for winter, little buddy!

Early Autumn Walk Here is one of my favorites from the afternoon. I love the symmetry that the water’s reflection can offer. This one is just ducky.

Early Autumn Walk This one gives me the chills. It reminds me of abandoned childhood innocence and whatever remains from childhood memories.

Early Autumn Walk Patterns and textures drew my eye into this one. What do you think it is?

Early Autumn Walk I admit that this one is a mess, but I really like how it all comes together.

Early Autumn Walk There’s a calm simplicity in details and negative space.

Early Autumn Walk I won’t say what this specifically is, but I love the feelings and emotions that come along with the simplicity of the colors and composition of this photo.